Thorchain Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Thorchain.

Buy & Sell Thorchain Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Thorchain.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Bitget RUNE/USDT $4.0500 %0.02 $1,729,153.63 $1,704,863.23 $4,931,187.00 43 minutes
CEX Nami.Exchange RUNE/VNST $4.0600 %0.61 $39,719.00 44 minutes
CEX Binance RUNE/USDT $4.0500 %0.02 $717,405.41 $514,561.96 $104,220,689.00 44 minutes
CEX Binance RUNE/BTC $4.0500 %0.05 $52,540.53 $73,779.33 $1,156,146.00 44 minutes
CEX Bitazza RUNE/USDT $4.0600 %0.62 $151,946.80 $201,731.94 $351,615.00 44 minutes
CEX Exchange RUNE/NONE $4.0500 %0.21 $40,546.33 $49,131.52 $224,917.00 44 minutes
CEX KuCoin RUNE/USDT $4.0600 %0.03 $117,675.01 $100,530.26 $4,111,546.00 44 minutes
DEX THORChain RUNE/RUNE $4.1600 $987,941.00 44 minutes
CEX RUNE/USDT $4.0600 %0.05 $245,933.86 $226,721.89 $4,746,014.00 44 minutes
CEX Tokenize RUNE/NONE $4.0100 %2.01 $362,044.02 $412,871.77 $254,857.00 44 minutes

Market volume

DEX $1,014,029 - 0.6%

CEX $162,391,798 - 99.4%

DEX $1,014,029
CEX $162,391,798

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
Infrastructure Cosmos 1