UFO Token Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use UFO Token.

Buy & Sell UFO Token Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell UFO Token.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/HEX $0.0000 %0.60 $6,498.25 $6,478.73 $6,934.82 35 minutes
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/WPLS $0.0000 %0.60 $16,182.52 $16,133.90 $13,757.49 1 hour
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/HEX $0.0000 %0.60 $9,238.18 $9,210.42 $1,199.80 1 hour
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/PLSX $0.0000 %0.60 $10,210.01 $10,179.33 $5,049.10 1 hour, 3 minutes
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/BEAR $0.0000 %0.61 $902.44 $899.73 $358.95 1 hour, 15 minutes
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/DAI $0.0000 %0.60 $18,554.88 $18,499.13 $2,040.77 1 hour, 41 minutes
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/PTGC $0.0000 %0.60 $16,325.51 $16,276.46 $3,480.38 1 hour, 55 minutes
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/GIFF $0.0000 %0.64 $208.03 $207.41 $64.04 3 hours, 26 minutes
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/AXIS $0.0000 %0.61 $1,386.37 $1,382.20 $1,803.63 8 hours, 2 minutes
DEX PulseX V2 UFO/UFO $0.0000 %0.66 $136.55 $136.14 $64.89 10 hours, 57 minutes

Market volume

DEX $34,754 - 0.0%

DEX $34,754

Total volume in the last 24 hours
