Verasity Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Verasity.

Buy & Sell Verasity Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Verasity.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
DEX Uniswap V3 (Ethereum) VRA/WETH $0.0029 %0.60 $4,519.30 $4,505.72 $146,336.00 33 minutes
CEX Bibox VRA/USDT $0.0030 %1.13 $8,852.64 $10,414.24 $9,528.05 33 minutes
CEX Tapbit VRA/USDT $0.0030 %0.41 $227.04 $66.33 $11,588.63 33 minutes
CEX VRA/USDT $0.0030 %0.07 $121,279.79 $147,937.18 $688,495.00 33 minutes
CEX Bitget VRA/USDT $0.0029 %0.37 $149.58 $2,825.42 $23,038.00 33 minutes
CEX CoinW VRA/USDT $0.0029 %0.78 $2,087.13 $2,361.10 $319,471.00 33 minutes
CEX BingX VRA/USDT $0.0029 %0.81 $6,206.64 $6,361.73 $120,551.00 33 minutes
CEX KuCoin VRA/USDC $0.0030 %0.47 $2,934.99 $4,280.50 $21,800.00 33 minutes
CEX KuCoin VRA/USDT $0.0030 %0.03 $21,073.28 $77,240.95 $2,668,132.00 33 minutes
CEX KuCoin VRA/BTC $0.0030 %0.39 $8,000.97 $45,044.12 $31,291.00 33 minutes

Market volume

DEX $233,545 - 2.9%

CEX $7,901,412 - 97.1%

DEX $233,545
CEX $7,901,412

Total volume in the last 24 hours
