Waves ecosystem

Projects count on Waves

Count of Waves projects on Alphagrowth platform

Daily transactions in Waves

Count of daily transactions on Waves chain for the last 90 days

Should I Build on Waves?

See the Waves Grants page for more Info on criteria and Projects Waves is looking For

DeFi projects on Waves

11 total projects. $28,374,646 total chain TVL.

Waves TVL

Dexs volume in Waves

TVL of projects on Waves

Name Categories TVL Launch date
PepeTeam $7,482,015 n/a
Vires Finance Lending $5,666,554 n/a
PepeTeam sWAVES Liquid Staking $3,987,471 n/a
WX Network Farm $3,845,192 n/a
PepeTeam Bridge Bridge $3,286,306 April 18, 2023
PuzzleSwapOrg $1,216,940 n/a
Neutrino Indexes $1,147,417 Nov. 25, 2019
Puzzle Swap DEX $596,515 n/a
Puzzle Lend Lending $589,918 n/a
Swop DEX $556,318 Nov. 5, 2020
Where can I stake waves?
Where can I lend and borrow waves?
waves can be lended and borrowed on:
Which bridges support waves?
waves can be bridged using the following bridging platforms:
Which NFT marketplaces support waves?
waves can be used to purchase NFTs on the following NFT marketplaces: