zkSync Era Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use zkSync Era.

Buy & Sell zkSync Era Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell zkSync Era.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Hotcoin ZK/USDT $0.1197 %0.20 $53,631.73 $57,802.82 $824,279.00 7 minutes
CEX MEXC ZK/USDT $0.1196 %0.08 $390,012.32 $474,153.19 $776,240.00 7 minutes
CEX OKX ZK/USDT $0.1198 %0.08 $26,734.55 $111,811.01 $2,329,988.00 7 minutes
CEX Nami.Exchange ZK/USDT $0.1197 %0.08 $4,527,303.00 7 minutes
CEX Nami.Exchange ZK/VNST $0.1194 %0.50 $3,644,864.00 7 minutes
CEX Bitget ZK/USDT $0.1196 %0.25 $212,488.54 $212,974.32 $9,415,246.00 7 minutes
CEX Trubit ZK/USDT $0.1194 %0.27 $5,778.80 $8,708.73 $709,013.00 7 minutes
CEX Crypto.com Exchange ZK/NONE $0.1197 %0.33 $34,287.89 $32,790.31 $13,826.34 7 minutes
CEX DigiFinex ZK/USDT $0.1196 %0.25 $256,045.98 $245,204.00 $676,703.00 7 minutes
CEX Bitlo ZK/USDT $0.1203 %1.08 $12,262.37 $14,383.32 $19,639.12 8 minutes

Market volume

DEX $870,175 - 1.4%

CEX $62,418,409 - 98.6%

DEX $870,175
CEX $62,418,409

Total volume in the last 24 hours
