Dog Wif Hat Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Dog Wif Hat.

Buy & Sell Dog Wif Hat Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Dog Wif Hat.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX CoinEx WIF/BTC $1.8500 %0.86 $467.68 $89.24 $10,201.79 21 minutes
CEX PointPay WIF/USDT $1.8500 %0.40 $27,993.78 $26,712.20 $354,727.00 21 minutes
CEX EXMO WIF/USDT $1.8500 %0.06 $5,762.31 $7,441.45 $219,249.00 22 minutes
CEX Toobit WIF/USDT $1.8500 %0.05 $1,615,831.21 $1,526,728.49 $4,866,513.00 22 minutes
CEX Tapbit WIF/USDT $1.8500 %0.20 $37,658.11 $16,284.29 $155,656.00 22 minutes
CEX Bitazza WIF/USDT $1.8700 %1.24 $142,754.64 $151,911.25 $276,902.00 22 minutes
CEX Bitazza WIF/NONE $1.8800 %2.42 $143,591.46 $150,979.07 $4,017.16 22 minutes
CEX Icrypex WIF/USDT $1.8400 %0.90 $5,611.86 $7,690.30 $8,740.42 22 minutes
CEX Bitlo WIF/USDT $1.8500 %0.87 $32,102.61 $8,585.80 $42,526.00 22 minutes
CEX Bitlo WIF/NONE $1.8500 %0.85 $16,448.47 $9,385.67 $50,640.00 22 minutes

Market volume

DEX $14,674,993 - 2.4%

CEX $584,618,152 - 97.6%

DEX $14,674,993
CEX $584,618,152

Total volume in the last 24 hours
