Dog Wif Hat Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use Dog Wif Hat.

Buy & Sell Dog Wif Hat Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell Dog Wif Hat.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX WIF/NONE $1.8300 %0.46 $20,481.46 $6,430.26 $83,063.00 8 minutes
CEX OKX WIF/USDC $1.8200 %0.16 $3,952.05 $13,165.64 $51,061.00 8 minutes
CEX OKX WIF/NONE $1.8300 %0.18 $23,829.75 $30,176.02 $30,322.00 8 minutes
CEX MEXC WIF/USDT $1.8300 %0.05 $1,570,228.69 $1,805,789.68 $17,545,793.00 8 minutes
DEX Raydium WIF/SOL $1.8200 %0.60 $328,104.35 $327,118.51 $3,177,973.00 8 minutes
CEX BitMart WIF/USDT $1.8300 %0.34 $818,258.43 $807,816.34 $1,171,375.00 8 minutes
DEX Raydium WIF/YOURMOM $1.8300 %0.63 $336.92 $335.91 $652.13 8 minutes
CEX Indodax WIF/NONE $1.8200 %0.89 $54,258.38 $9,753.95 $160,646.00 8 minutes
CEX WIF/USDT $1.8300 %0.05 $88,205.13 $85,023.46 $1,656,211.00 8 minutes
CEX WhiteBIT WIF/USDT $1.8300 %0.09 $931,373.04 $1,336,944.12 $59,458,513.00 8 minutes

Market volume

DEX $15,095,127 - 2.3%

CEX $638,995,449 - 97.7%

DEX $15,095,127
CEX $638,995,449

Total volume in the last 24 hours
