On NEAR in Infrastructures there are next projects: Allbridge Classic, BoringDAO, Defi Swap, Composable Finance, Robo-Advisor for Yield, Akash Network, Alchemy Pay, Ardana, Arweave, Atomic Wallet Coin, Aurora Plus, Automata, Band Protocol, Chainlink Staking, ChangeNOW, Coin98, Coreto, Crust Network, Grain, Idavoll DAO, Incognito, MAP Protocol, MetaPets, Mixin, Multichain, NEAR, Octopus Network, ORAO Network, Pocket Network, Pulse Token, SafePal, Siacoin, sICX, Wormhole Bridge, Trust Wallet Token, Nereus Finance, XDEFI, Eversol, GETH, SubQuery Network, OMNIA Protocol, SweatCoin, HashQuark, Kyve Network, Fireblocks, Dnfs, Bundlr Network, Bitget Swap, Kiln, NodeReal, Orderly Network, Crypto APIs, DappLooker, Finoa, Chorus One, LunaNova, P2P Validator, Validatrium, Web3 Services, Unit Network, AILAND, Kurtosis, OneKey, Pine Street Labs, Butter Swap, Utorg, Cypherock, Dojo Finance, Mintbase, SharpShark, Figment, Filebase, Banxa, Bison Trails, Blockdaemon, Flipside Crypto, Copper, QuickNode, Ledger, Switchboard, Mercuryo, BitGo, Liquality, Web3Auth, Elliptic, MoonPay, Staking Rewards, BlockPI, Footprint Analytics, Rainbow, Ceramic, Ramper, Notifi, WalletConnect, Zecrey Protocol, Leap, Sender Wallet, Grindery.io, Carv, Gynn, Calimero Network, OMNI, Mystiko, SupraOracles, MetaMask, Gateway.fm, Foundry, TONANA, NearPay, Pagoda, Cryptium Labs, Textile, ZokshPay, Infinite Lux, MyNearWallet, OnMachina, NEAR-STAKING, Nodeasy, Open Shards Alliance, AUDIT.one, SHARP DARTS, DSRV Labs, INOTEL, AstroStakers, Meteor Wallet, Opto Wallet, HERE Wallet staking, NEARSCAN, Zavodil, 01No.de, Electron Labs, NearBlocks, Eywa, Coinbase Custody, Narwallets, Agni, MathWallet, ONTO Wallet, Ark Protocol, Rainbow Bridge, Zap3, Xircus Web3 Protocol, Frac, 1RPC, Aiverse, NEAR Wallet, Near Social, Zero Knowledge Validator, Magic Labs, Electric Capital, Spark Pool, IDEO CoLab, INC4, stakefish, Infura, Blockchain Operating System, Dokia Capital, NEAR Explorer, Stakin, Buildlinks, Indexer.xyz, Opera Crypto, Ramp Network, Multi Safe, Perk, Chainstack, Guardarian, Nearscope, BitStack, NEAR Mobile Wallet, PayCek, Freename, Moonlet, Grassets, Restake, Kosmos, Allnodes, MantiCore, Avatar Wallet, TransFi, Appload, FreshNEARs, Genesis Lab, Locify, Strike Protocols, Masternode24, Unchained, Allbridge, Directual, Lavender.Five Nodes, Keystone Wallet, Ready Layer One, Dante Network, Excheqr, Twinstake, Polkachu, Spectrum Staking, 4EVERLAND, NearFi Wallet, Nightly Wallet, StakeSabai, StakesStone, All That Node, Cunum Staking, Staking4all, 2pilot, Onramper, Cuvar Wallet, Triangle, Web4.near, kuutamo, Stakely, Acurast, WELLDONE Wallet, RAEN, Autify Network, Stardust Staking, Prophet One, Portis, Shard Labs, GateOmega, CoinPayU, Luganodes.
On NEAR in DeFis there are next projects: Allbridge Classic, Stader, Pangolin, Ref Finance, BoringDAO, Meta Pool ETH, Defi Swap, Composable Finance, Mycelium Perpetual Pools, MooniSwap, UPFI Network, Suterusu, EmiSwap, DeHive, Acumen, Robo-Advisor for Yield, agEUR, Ardana, Aurora Plus, BtnGroup, Chainlink Staking, Coin98, CrossFi, DePocket, HAPI, MAP Protocol, Marnotaur, MetaPets, Multichain, NEAR, Envelop (Niftsy), Octopus Network, Odyssey, Oin Finance, Rubic, Skyward Finance, sICX, SwissBorg, Tether, TrueAUD, TrueUSD, Trust Wallet Token, UniWhales, USD Coin, Weld, Nereus Finance, WOOFi Swap, Eversol, GETH, Wormhole, Jumbo Exchange, Burrow, OMNIA Protocol, SEDA, Meta Pool Near, SweatCoin, LiNEAR Protocol, HashQuark, Lifetise, Tonic DEX, Portal, Bancambios AX, Spin Spot, MyConstant, PembRock Finance, Fireblocks, Satori, Bitget Swap, Kiln, Flowcarbon, Orderly Network, DappLooker, OpenBiSea, Roketo, ArtFans, JumpDefi, AILAND, The Harmonic Technology Guild, Binocs, Orderly Network, Binance CEX, Bitfinex, Veax, SwissBorg, Butter Swap, NEARStarter, Banxa, BitGo, Liquality, Taker Protocol, Immunefi, Staking Rewards, Rainbow, OrangeDAO, Ready Player DAO, TiTi Protocol, CoinStats, Grindery.io, BocaChica, Tonic, NEKO, MetaMask, Defi Llama, Phoenix Bonds, Makx, MarbleDAO ARTEX, LazyFi, Hashnote USYC, Veax, TONANA, ZokshPay, ChainScore, Defimax, HERE Wallet staking, Coinhall, SimpleFi, Ref Analytics, Token Farm, Decentral Bank, Eywa, Common Fund, Berry Club, Dojo Finance, Truedao, Spin Perps, Spin DOV, Rainbow Bridge, Xircus Web3 Protocol, Frac, Flux Exchange, OMOMO, Pitchtalk, Pulsar Finance, Perk, Moni Crypto Tracker, Proximity Labs, ZEXE, Gator, NearGate, forbitswap, Brink, Nearlend DAO, Cheddar Farm, Esccrow Finance, VerdeX, Surge Finance, Spin, Nearlend DAO, Meme Cooking, MITTE, Libre Capital, TruStake MATIC, Bitstamp, Flipster, Allstake, Delta Trade, Skytale, Magellan, Arbitoor Aggregator, Cell Protocol, Hurricane Protocol, farswap, KyotoProtocol.io, Vest Protocol, Fluxus Finance, MoonNoobs DAO, Snails Finance, NEARmint, Open DeFi.
On NEAR in Gamings there are next projects: Mycelium Perpetual Pools, BORA, Duel Network, Marmaj, OwlDAO, Pool Party, MetaFighter, SweatCoin, BreederDAO, Scorefam, Exxaverse, Open Games Builders, HashRush, Multiverse Fighters, Land To Empire, Pumpopoly, AILAND, Sociapol, PlayEmber, Bearverse, Zomland, Virtually Human Studio (ZED RUN), OP Games, Vorto Gaming, Playible, Ready Player DAO, Carv, Inite, NEKO, Realis Network, Web3Mon, LazyFi, Holistic Pilgrim, Metamon, EXVERSE, NEAR Lands, Growfitter, TavernDAO, Tribe Terra, Gamespack, Rawbots, SkyHarbour, Coin Pirates, Galaxy Online, Made for Gamers, Quant Role Play, Enter The Sphere, Gamenaut, AngryDAO, Near Future, MetaPlan, Atlantis World, CryptoEmpire, PixelPets, Chain Typing, Illust Space, AMBER Metaverse, Metalordz, Hypermove, Aiverse, Reality Chain, Catch, Theia, Bitverse, Time Breachers, Rusty Guild, Quiz Chain, Sona Protocol, GeeGee, The Burning Realm, Crossword Puzzle, Spirit Dungeons, Blade Wars, EngiNeart, Degen Marble Race, Poker Space, WannaSpin, Papu Superstars, Near NFT Lottery, Cheddar Farm, Near Kingdoms, NEAR Hub, MTVRS, Gorilla Squad, BATTLEMON, Katika Wallet, Crystals of Naramunz, Stake.gg, ALIEN ESPORTS INDUSTRY, Convicted, CryptoTowerDefense, Press Start Capital, Joystick Labs, Burrito Battle, Murder Mystery Collective, Castle Overlord, Armored Kingdom, Lots of Lands, World of the Abyss, Space Launcher, Boneyard Gaming, Parrotopia, Dolia Cats, Pixudi, Near Space, ZomboDucks, De3Verse, eFuse, Nearcrash, CycloClan, RushAway, Classy Kangaroos, Glory Games: Worlds, Geo Fight, The Arrogant Youth Circle, Smashrooms, Tristan Metaverse, NEARton, GRAYLL | QU²EST, DragoNEAR, Shroom Kingdom.
On NEAR in Wallets there are next projects: Defi Swap, Atomic Wallet Coin, ChangeNOW, Coin98, Mixin, SafePal, Trust Wallet Token, Nereus Finance, XDEFI, GETH, OMNIA Protocol, SweatCoin, Fireblocks, Dnfs, Bitget Swap, Open Games Builders, Nearinbox, The Harmonic Technology Guild, Binocs, OneKey, Pine Street Labs, Cypherock, Dojo Finance, Mintbase, Ledger, BitGo, Liquality, Rainbow, WalletConnect, Leap, Sender Wallet, Yomoola, OMNI, MetaMask, MyNearWallet, Meteor Wallet, Opto Wallet, HERE Wallet staking, NETH, Coinbase Custody, Narwallets, MathWallet, ONTO Wallet, Xircus Web3 Protocol, NEAR Wallet, Magic Labs, Opera Crypto, Multi Safe, NEAR Mobile Wallet, Avatar Wallet, Strike Protocols, Katika Wallet, Keystone Wallet, Excheqr, NearFi Wallet, Nightly Wallet, Cuvar Wallet, WELLDONE Wallet, Portis.
On NEAR in DEXES there are next projects: Pangolin, Ref Finance, Defi Swap, MooniSwap, EmiSwap, Marnotaur, MetaPets, WOOFi Swap, Jumbo Exchange, Tonic DEX, Spin Spot, Satori, Orderly Network, DappLooker, OpenBiSea, JumpDefi, Orderly Network, Veax, Tonic, Veax, aerx, Xircus Web3 Protocol, Frac, ZEXE, Gator, Surge Finance, Spin, Delta Trade, Magellan, Cell Protocol, farswap.
On NEAR in Payments there are next projects: Alchemy Pay, USD Coin, Weld, Quidli, Request Finance, Roketo, ArtFans, Utorg, Banxa, Mercuryo, Transak, MoonPay, Yomoola, NearPay, ZokshPay, CoinPipe, NEAR Tip Bot, Ramp Network, Guardarian, PayCek, GeekPay, TransFi, NearP2P, Leaf Global Fintech, Pingbox, Crypsense, Onramper, Poof Payments, Konect, Swap Bitssa, Nearsend.
On NEAR in CeFis there are next projects: USD Coin, WOOFi Swap, Fireblocks, AssetDash, Kiln, BlockSec, DappLooker, Utorg, Mintbase, Banxa, Copper, Mercuryo, BitGo, Transak, Elliptic, MoonPay, Footprint Analytics, Hashnote USYC.
On NEAR in Bridges there are next projects: Allbridge Classic, BoringDAO, Ardana, Multichain, Rubic, Wormhole Bridge, Wormhole, Portal, Butter Swap, Liquality, TONANA, Electron Labs, Rainbow Bridge, Chaineye, Allbridge.
On NEAR in Dexs there are next projects: Pangolin, Ref Finance, Defi Swap, MooniSwap, EmiSwap, WOOFi Swap, Jumbo Exchange, Spin Spot, Satori, OpenBiSea, JumpDefi, Tonic, Veax, Delta Trade.
On NEAR in Privacys there are next projects: Suterusu, 0xMonero, Automata, Incognito, OMNIA Protocol, Notebook Labs, Zecrey Protocol, Calimero Network, Mystiko, ZeroPool Network, Hideyour.cash.
On NEAR in Liquid Stakings there are next projects: Stader, Pangolin, Meta Pool ETH, sICX, Eversol, GETH, Meta Pool Near, LiNEAR Protocol, Yomoola, HERE Wallet staking, TruStake MATIC.
On NEAR in Oracles there are next projects: Band Protocol, Chainlink Staking, HAPI, ORAO Network, Pulse Token, SEDA, Switchboard, SupraOracles, Stake.gg, Acurast.
On NEAR in Lendings there are next projects: Acumen, CrossFi, Nereus Finance, Burrow, MyConstant, Taker Protocol, OMOMO, Nearlend DAO, Nearlend DAO, Pawn NFT.
On NEAR in Cross Chains there are next projects: BoringDAO, Composable Finance, Coreto, MAP Protocol, Rubic, P2P Validator, AILAND, Butter Swap, Zap3, Radrugs.
On NEAR in Derivatives there are next projects: Mycelium Perpetual Pools, Spin Spot, Satori, Orderly Network, Veax, Spin Perps, Flux Exchange, Spin.
On NEAR in Stakings there are next projects: Stader, Aurora Plus, HashQuark, Kiln, P2P Validator, Staking Rewards, Backstage, Spectrum Staking.
On NEAR in NFT Marketplaces there are next projects: Paras, Open Games Builders, AILAND, Backstage, Dojo Finance, aerx, Gryph, Hypermove.
On NEAR in Services there are next projects: Suterusu, Aurora Plus, Chainlink Staking, Bitget Swap, Rainbow, MetaMask, Makx.
On NEAR in Yields there are next projects: Robo-Advisor for Yield, BtnGroup, OMNIA Protocol, PembRock Finance, Staking Rewards, Delta Trade.
On NEAR in Chains there are next projects: Defi Swap, Aurora Plus, NEAR, Rainbow Bridge, Xircus Web3 Protocol.
On NEAR in Yield Aggregators there are next projects: PembRock Finance, Phoenix Bonds, Fluxus Finance.
On NEAR in Cross Chain Bridges there are next projects: BoringDAO, Composable Finance, Butter Swap.
On NEAR in Algo-Stables there are next projects: Oin Finance, TiTi Protocol.
On NEAR in Indexes there are next projects: DeHive, Staking Rewards.
On NEAR in RWAS there are next projects: Hashnote USYC, Libre Capital.
On NEAR in DEX Aggregators there are next projects: Rubic, Bitget Swap.
On NEAR in Restakings there are next projects: Octopus Network, Allstake.
On NEAR in NftFis there are next projects: Envelop (Niftsy), MITTE.
On NEAR in MEVS there are next projects: OMNIA Protocol.
On NEAR in Prediction Markets there are next projects: Xircus Web3 Protocol.
On NEAR in Options Vaults there are next projects: Spin DOV.
On NEAR in Staking Pools there are next projects: Chainlink Staking.