Solana ecosystem

Projects count on Solana

Count of Solana projects on Alphagrowth platform

Projects by category on Solana

Category Projects Count
DeFi Lido, Sushi Aptos, Frax, Raydium, Marinade Native and 209 more 218
DEX Sushi Aptos, Raydium, Serum, Saber, Atrix and 47 more 53
Gaming Battle of Guardians Share, DeFi Land, Genopets, MonkeyBall, Phantasia and 33 more 41
Infrastructure Lido, RenVM, Allbridge Classic, ALL.ART, Coin98 and 25 more 32
Lending Tulip Protocol, Solend, Maple, Apricot Finance, Larix and 23 more 28
Yield Quarry, Tulip Protocol, Sunny, Francium, Almond and 17 more 22
Wallets BiLira, Coin98, OMNIA Protocol, Open Games Builders, OneKey and 12 more 20
CEX BitMart, FTX Token, Binance CEX, OKX, Bitfinex and 14 more 19
Derivatives Mango Markets V3, Drift, GooseFX, HXRO Network, 01 and 11 more 16
Liquid Staking Lido, Marinade Native, JPool, Socean, Stafi and 11 more 16
NFT Marketplace Only1, DEAPCOIN, Greenercoin, Leptonmusic, Mrble Labs (Bone Shamans) and 10 more 16
CeFi BiLira, Compendium.Fi, FTX Token, TabTrader, USD Coin and 9 more 14
Bridge RenVM, Allbridge Classic, Rubic, Glitter Finance, Wormhole and 9 more 14
Cross Chain Rubic, Glitter Finance, Swim Protocol, P2P Validator, and 6 more 12
Payments USD Coin, Zebec Protocol, Streamflow, Game Payy, Hazo Solutions and 7 more 12
Services Scallop Pool, From StreamCardano to SearChain, NFT Project Creators, Rethinkable, NanoRes Studios and 5 more 11
CDP Parrot Protocol, Cashio, Hubble, Ratio Finance, Nirvana and 2 more 7
NFT Lending FRAKT, Artsy Defi, Citrus, Dome Metamars, Sharky and 2 more 7
Yield Aggregator Tulip Protocol, KillSwitch, Hawksight, Amulet V2, Meteora vaults and 1 more 6
Options PsyOptions, HXRO Network, Zeta, Dual Finance, Cega V1 and 1 more 6
Options Vault Ribbon, Friktion, Katana, Chest Finance, Dual Finance 5
Chain Stepn, Greenercoin, Picnicswap 4
Indexes Investin, Solrise Finance, Amun, Symmetry 4
Insurance Amulet V2, Amulet V1 3
Oracle HAPI, Wrapped Chainlink (Sollet), Pyth Network 3
Synthetics Synthetify, Sypool, Parcl V2 3
RWA Maple, Ondo Finance, International Stable Currency 3
Liquidity manager Hawksight, Kamino Liquidity, Armada 3
Staking P2P Validator, Bicon Dex 2
Algo-Stables Frax, UXD 2
Reserve Currency InvictusDAO, GTON Capital 2
Farm Armada Staking, Bicon Dex 2
Staking Pool Marinade Native, Solana Miner 2
SoFi hub3, Friendzy 2
Telegram Bot Cryptoall, BONKbot 2
Privacy OMNIA Protocol 1
Uncollateralized Lending Maple 1
Prediction Market DropCopy 1
RWA Lending Credix 1
Decentralized Stablecoin UXD 1
DEX Aggregator Jupiter Aggregator 1

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DeFi projects on Solana

171 total projects. $14,187,268,282 total chain TVL.

Solana TVL

Dexs volume in Solana

TVL of projects on Solana

Name Categories TVL Launch date
Binance CEX CEX $3,775,761,642 n/a
Jito Liquid Staking $1,367,531,962 Nov. 2, 2022
Marinade Finance $1,260,295,211 n/a
Kamino Lend Lending $942,035,774 n/a
Raydium DEX $612,771,031 n/a
OKX CEX $557,081,983 n/a
Marinade Native Staking Pool $550,393,787 Oct. 6, 2021
Bybit CEX $411,441,179 n/a
marginfi $407,112,074 n/a
BlazeStake Liquid Staking $355,726,641 Aug. 24, 2023
Where can I pool sol?

Other categories

Category Projects Count
DeFi Sharky, Hubble, Maple, APYSwap, Oxygen and 209 more 218
DEX Dexlab, Orca, Drift, Serum, Aldrin and 47 more 53
Gaming Stepn, Green Satoshi Token, Genopets, Star Atlas, Star Atlas DAO and 33 more 41
Infrastructure 4thpillar technologies, Lido, Xverse, RenVM, SolRazr and 25 more 32
Yield Ratio Finance, Hawksight, Hubble, Friktion, Cega V1 and 17 more 22
Wallets BiLira, OneKey, Open Games Builders, Utilify, Game Payy and 12 more 20
CEX BitMart, FTX Token, Picnicswap, Latoken, Bitget and 14 more 19
Derivatives 01, Parcl V3, HXRO Network, Cypher, Zeta and 11 more 16
Cross Chain Glitter Finance, Utilify, Coraltech, Payrave, Artsy Defi and 6 more 12
Payments Game Payy, Hazo Solutions, Swipelux, Omni3, Pixel Morans and 7 more 12
Services From StreamCardano to SearChain, NFT Project Creators, Rethinkable, NanoRes Studios, SPL Governance and 5 more 11
CDP Fluidity Money, Ratio Finance, Hedge, Parrot Protocol, Nirvana and 2 more 7
NFT Lending Artsy Defi, Dome Metamars, Smartmoni W/Moniplus, Citrus, Sharky and 2 more 7
Yield Aggregator Tulip Protocol, Bicon Dex, KillSwitch, Hawksight, Meteora vaults and 1 more 6
Options HXRO Network, PsyOptions, Cega V1, Zeta, OptiFi and 1 more 6
Options Vault Dual Finance, Ribbon, Chest Finance, Friktion, Katana 5
Chain Greenercoin, Picnicswap, Stepn 4
Indexes Solrise Finance, Investin, Symmetry, Amun 4
Insurance Amulet V2, Amulet V1 3
Oracle HAPI, Pyth Network, Wrapped Chainlink (Sollet) 3
Synthetics Sypool, Synthetify, Parcl V2 3
RWA Ondo Finance, Maple, International Stable Currency 3
Liquidity manager Kamino Liquidity, Armada, Hawksight 3
Algo-Stables Frax, UXD 2
Reserve Currency GTON Capital, InvictusDAO 2
Farm Bicon Dex, Armada Staking 2
SoFi Friendzy, hub3 2
Telegram Bot BONKbot, Cryptoall 2
Privacy OMNIA Protocol 1
Prediction Market DropCopy 1
RWA Lending Credix 1
Decentralized Stablecoin UXD 1
DEX Aggregator Jupiter Aggregator 1