SuperFarm Token Utility

The best way to evaluate a token is to understand where you can use token. Here are all the Places where you can use SuperFarm.

Buy & Sell SuperFarm Markets

All markets where you can buy and sell SuperFarm.
Market Pair Price Bid-ask spread +2% Depth -2% Depth Volume Timestamp
CEX Hotcoin SUPER/USDT $0.7572 %0.47 $129,336.58 $202,519.47 $398,441.00 12 minutes
CEX Toobit SUPER/USDT $0.7570 %0.01 $430,061.38 $315,281.69 $441,466.00 12 minutes
CEX HTX SUPER/USDT $0.7587 %0.25 $1,373.24 $1,172.75 $89,786.00 12 minutes
CEX BingX SUPER/USDT $0.7576 %0.03 $30,119.85 $82,579.39 $54,729.00 13 minutes
CEX Bitget SUPER/USDT $0.7580 %0.13 $48,252.36 $114,789.59 $35,861.00 13 minutes
DEX Uniswap V2 (Ethereum) SUPER/SAND $0.7598 %0.61 $2,899.17 $2,890.45 $3,700.44 13 minutes
CEX KuCoin SUPER/USDT $0.7590 %0.13 $34,724.77 $54,867.93 $176,801.00 14 minutes
CEX Binance SUPER/BTC $0.7589 %0.13 $8,198.15 $20,138.70 $37,264.00 14 minutes
CEX Binance SUPER/USDT $0.7590 %0.05 $60,578.80 $119,099.72 $2,056,166.00 14 minutes
CEX Coinbase Exchange SUPER/NONE $0.7589 %0.14 $32,101.56 $75,104.75 $1,462,634.00 14 minutes

Market volume

DEX $315,636 - 3.5%

CEX $8,810,137 - 96.5%

DEX $315,636
CEX $8,810,137

Total volume in the last 24 hours


Other categories

Category Projects Count
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